Data Analytics and Insights

In today’s fast-paced world, data is key. We specialize in helping individuals and corporations find the information they need to stay competitive. We help companies turn data into insights for success. Our team of professionals will use their expertise to help you expand your horizons and achieve success today

Website Design and Maintenance

We provide tailored web solutions to cater to all needs. Whether you’re looking for a simple informational page, an advanced database-driven e-commerce site, or even a custom layout for your current site, our team is ready to go above and beyond to deliver the perfect product for you.

ICT Installations

We offer reliable solutions to meet all of your ICT needs for your home or business. Whether you’re looking for a new computer system or need an installation for your current equipment, our experts will gladly install and set it up to suit your needs. Installing your ICT equipment has never been easier. Custom installation services for all your needs.

Research Consulting

We are one of the leading consulting firms for research projects, data analysis, and clear, concise reports to deliver meaningful growth. We take on projects of all sizes-from long-term sustainability studies for large corporations, small enterprises and academic research for individuals. We are trusted by government agencies to help craft policy changes and by universities to help track the pulse of society.

Our Clients.


Our clients include Schools, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government Agencies, Professional Associations and Civil Society Organizations. At Quae Novum, we pride ourselves in helping our clients solve problems and deliver on their mandates.